Thursday, January 20, 2011

Scotty Bob: King of the Mountain with their Vortech Router

At an elevation of 9,396 feet in the San Juan mountains of Colorado, there sits a restored power transfer station. In which Scotty Bob the inventor of the BobTail ski design makes skis on demand. There is no inventory in the building except for the materials to make the skis. All skis are made by only one builder from beginning to end, to ensure pride in workmanship.

A Sample of Scotty's World famous skis

Scotty Bob recently added a 4x8 Vortech Router to his arsenal of tools.

Scotty Bob's is a great guy and his passion shows in the quality of his products. As Scotty says:

"I have the best job in the world!"

I design and hand make skis for individual people. Not just ordinary skis but special skis unlike anything they’ve ever skied before. My patented design provides skiers of all skill levels with precision ski instruments that allow them to turn and control their descent on a slope to a degree they never dreamed was possible.
Check out their website at

For more information on Vortech Routers visit